Source code for yarhp.wrappers

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from webhelpers import paginate as _paginate
import functools
from datetime import datetime, date
import logging

from yarhp.utils import get_composite_key

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class ValidationError(Exception):

class ResourceNotFound(Exception):

def get_pagination_links(request):
    page_url = functools.partial(_paginate.make_page_url, request.path_url,
    calls = zip(['first', 'previous', 'next', 'last'],

    return dict([(name, page_url(lnk)) for (name, lnk) in calls if lnk])

# Decorators

[docs]class wrap_me(object): """Base class for decorators used to add before and after calls. The callables are appended to the ``before`` or ``after`` lists, which are in turn injected into the method object being decorated. Method is returned without any side effects. """ def __init__(self, before=None, after=None): self.before = (before if type(before) is list else ([before] if before else [])) self.after = (after if type(after) is list else ([after] if after else [])) def __call__(self, meth): if not hasattr(meth, '_before_calls'): meth._before_calls = [] if not hasattr(meth, '_after_calls'): meth._after_calls = [] meth._before_calls += self.before meth._after_calls += self.after return meth
[docs]class paginate(wrap_me): "Decorator used to paginate the results. Its an after-call" def __init__(self, **kwargs): wrap_me.__init__(self, after=pager(**kwargs))
[docs]class validator(wrap_me): """Decorator that validates the type and required fields in request params against the supplied kwargs :: class MyView(): @validator(first_name={'type':int, 'required':True}) def index(self): return response """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): wrap_me.__init__(self, before=[validate_types(**kwargs), validate_required(**kwargs)])
[docs]class check_ancestors(wrap_me): "Decorator which adds a wrapper to check the ancestors." def __init__(self): wrap_me.__init__(self, before=[validate_ancestors()])
[docs]class callable_base(object): """Base class for all before and after calls. ``__eq__`` method is overloaded in order to prevent duplicate callables of the same type. For example, you could have a before call ``pager`` which is called in the base class and also decorate the action with ``paginate``. ``__eq__`` declares all same type callables to be the same. """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.kwargs = kwargs def __eq__(self, other): "we only allow one instance of the same type of callable." return type(self) == type(other) # Before calls
[docs]class validate_base(callable_base): """Base class for validation callables. """ def __call__(self, **kwargs): self.request = kwargs['request'] self.params = self.request.params.copy() self.params.pop('_method', None) # tunneling internal param, no need to check.
[docs]class validate_types(validate_base): """ Validates the field types in ``request.params`` match the types declared in ``kwargs``. Raises ValidationError if there is mismatch. """ def __call__(self, **kwargs): validate_base.__call__(self, **kwargs) # checking the types for name, value in self.params.items(): if value == 'None': # fix this properly. continue _type = self.kwargs.get(name, {}).get('type') try: if _type == datetime: value = datetime.strptime(value, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S') # must be in iso format elif _type == date: value = datetime.strptime(value, '%Y-%m-%d') # must be in iso format elif _type == None: log.debug('Incorrect or unsupported type for %s(%s)' % (name, value)) continue elif type(_type) is type: _type(value) else: raise ValueError except ValueError, e: raise ValidationError('Bad type %s for %s=%s. Suppose to be %s' % (type(value), name, value, _type))
[docs]class validate_required(validate_base): """Validates that fields in ``request.params`` are present according to ``kwargs`` argument passed to ``__call__. Raises ValidationError in case of the mismatch """ def __call__(self, **kwargs): validate_base.__call__(self, **kwargs) #get parent resources' ids from matchdict, so there is no need to pass in the request.params self.params.update(self.request.matchdict) self.kwargs.pop('id', None) required_fields = set([n for n in self.kwargs.keys() if self.kwargs[n].get('required', False)]) if not required_fields.issubset(set(self.params.keys())): raise ValidationError('Required fields: %s. Received: %s' % (list(required_fields), self.params.keys()))
[docs]class validate_ancestors(validate_base): """Validates that all ancestor resources of the given resource exist""" def __call__(self, **kwargs): request = kwargs['request'] resource = request.context for anc in resource.ancestors: # if anc is application then its id is application_id. find it and put it back in args as id kw = request.matchdict.copy() # this could have been pop instead of get. # but some models might not have "id" primary keys and have only fks as primary composite. # so leaving the "member_name"+_id there would make sure that case is covered. kw['id'] = kw.get(anc.member_name + '_id', None) key = get_composite_key(anc.model, kw) if not anc.model.get(key): raise ResourceNotFound('Resource %s(%s) does not exist' % (anc.model, key)) # After calls.
[docs]def obj2dict(**kwargs): '''converts objects in `result` into dicts''' def to_dict(each): try: return each.to_dict() except AttributeError: return each result = kwargs['result'] if type(result) is list: for ix, each in enumerate(result): result[ix] = to_dict(each) else: result = to_dict(result) return result
[docs]def wrap_in_dict(**kwargs): '''if result is a list then wrap it in the dict''' resource = kwargs['resource'] result = kwargs['result'] if type(result) is list: result = {resource.collection_name: result} return result
def add_pagination_links(**kwargs): request = kwargs['request'] result = kwargs['result'] try: result['total'] = result = update_links(result, get_pagination_links(request)) except AttributeError: # request does not have page attribtue. pass return result def add_parent_links(**kwargs): request = kwargs['request'] result = kwargs['result'] for each in (result if type(result) is list else [result]): if type(each) is not dict: continue for name_id, value in each.items(): if name_id.endswith('_id'): name = name_id.rpartition('_id')[0] try: url = request.route_url(name, id=value) except KeyError: # there is no route defined for this name continue #FIX. Dirty hack. Must not remove any data from the result. each.pop(name_id) # i.e. remove account_id each[name] = dict(id=value, link=url) #i.e. put account with dict(id=1, link='http://../') return result
[docs]class pager(callable_base): """kwargs are passed down to webhelpers.paginate.Page some of the usefull kw args with defaults are: - items_per_page=20: how many items per page - item_count=None: total count if known, otherwise DB will be queried. - presliced_list=False: if collection was alredy sliced fitting into a page For more see """ def __call__(self, **kwargs): request = kwargs.pop('request') collection = kwargs.pop('result') curr_page = int(request.params.get('page', 1)) = _paginate.Page(collection, page=curr_page, url=_paginate.PageURL_WebOb(request), **self.kwargs) return